In September 2023, AG Health announced a new ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its entire operations and supply chain, from raw materials to retailers. This commitment is supported by AG health’s Climate Transition Action Plan, which outlines a comprehensive strategy to accelerate climate action and addresses the challenges ahead. The plan not only focuses on Ag health’s net zero ambition by 2040 but also covers the entire lifecycle emissions of their products and packaging, including supply chain, operations, consumer usage, and product end-of-life stages. This holistic approach aims to minimize the environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Plastic waste is indeed a pressing issue that affects our environment, particularly when it finds its way into our rivers and oceans. This global problem demands a collective and multifaceted solution, involving active participation from industries, governments, civil society, and academia. By addressing the plastic waste challenge and promoting circularity, we can create a more sustainable future for our planet. At AG Health, we are committed to contributing to this cause by designing all our consumer packaging to be recyclable or reusable by the year 2035. We recognize the potential benefits of plastic, such as reduced packaging material, enhanced product protection, and lower greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. However, it is crucial to use and reuse plastic responsibly. To tackle the problem, we are working on developing innovative recycling solutions, exploring alternative materials, and collaborating with external partners to enhance waste management infrastructure. By doing so, we aim to keep plastic in use and prevent it from polluting our natural environment. This collaborative approach will help us move towards a more sustainable and circular future for plastics.
At AG Health, we are dedicated to contributing towards a water-positive future that can sustain both people and nature for years to come. In June 2025, we unveiled a comprehensive strategy aimed at addressing water challenges on various fronts. This strategy encompasses three key areas: restoring water in water-stressed regions for the benefit of people and the environment, tackling water-related issues through innovation and collaborative efforts, and minimizing water consumption in our operations to conserve local water resources. We have applied with a note to use the minimum water, as we have established a work environment to easiest the water the water consumption is also very low, as a hygienics napkins company water is not a friendly aspect to the production, to make an enviro water resistance working environment the AG has been working achieve the vision and target.

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